Yearbook ideas

Awards page creator now online!

28 January 2015

By now, you probably have your awards voting underway and you might be thinking about how you want to design your pages. On Monday, we launched a shiny new awards page designer for you to play with and I’m excited to tell you more about how it works and how to get the most out of these pages in your book!

Let’s start with creating your page… If you’ve not set up an awards page as yet, click the add pages button in the top left of your screen and then select awards. If you click on the awards icon in the toolbar, you’ll see a variety of different layouts you can choose from under awards layouts or you can can create a quick awards grid in the same way as you would do for a collage.awards1

Add award to page  lets you drop individual awards onto a page so if you want to start from scratch this is the place for you. Don’t forget you can add awards to any page of your book so if you want to pop a plaque onto a profile to show they won an award, you can use this option to do so!


Once you’ve created a layout, you’ll have a page that looks a little like this 😀 You’ll notice lots of awards styles on the page but you can always change them to all charts or plaques or remove some  from the page to add in lists or photos from your award ceremony! When you’re happy with the layout, click onto awards categories in the awards toolbar. You’ll find all of your awards here and you can drag and drop them onto the spaces on your page.


You’ll notice your award winners will appear in the spaces along with the award category. You can then drop your photos into the spaces and adjust the award options by clicking onto it in your grid. When you click onto an award, you’ll see an options box like this! Here you can change the background colour to your awards box (or make it transparent), adjust the fonts and font colours, add borders or even change the winners (if you want to fix the results!).

Unless you’ve chosen to change the winners manually, your awards page will update according to who’s winning in your online voting 😀 We hope you’ll agree that you have loads more flexibility to make your awards pages really special this year and if you have any feedback or questions, we’d love to hear them!