Yearbook ideas

Fundraising ideas

22 February 2016


Financing your project can take many forms and you can host all sorts of events in school to help fundraise for your yearbooks. The infamous school bake sale has to be one of the most common fundraising tools but you could also hold a sponsored silence or walk, dress up days (with school permission of course) or put on a talent show and charge admission fees. What ever you choose, make sure your event/activity is well publicised by putting up posters around school or in common rooms.

If you bake 50 cupcakes and sell them for £2.00 each you’ve covered your deposit already- it’s that simple! If you need further tips, have a look online for school fundraising ideas or have a go at one of these:

  1. Host a penny drive – collect unwanted small change in the common areas of your school and cafeteria to go towards the yearbook fund. You’ll be surprised at just how much you can raise this way over a few weeks!
  2. Go big or go home– with the permission of your school, turn your playground into one giant poster using coloured chalks. It can all be washed away easily so it’s best to plan this when you know there’s good weather coming!
  3. Create an ad– There are some rather epic and hilarious Youtube videos out there created by students looking to promote their yearbooks. With a little help from your teachers, you can easily create a brilliant advert for your project which can be played in assembly and set the tone for your book.
  4. Let people know they are in the book! It’s all well and good asking people for cash but they’ve not seen the finished product like you have and they want to feel confident that making the purchase is worth while. By letting people know they are in the book, and how many times, they’ll be more likely to buy!
  5. Add reminders… everywhere! Put up posters, add notes to tutor time registers, create door hangers and shout it from the rooftops (not literally of course!). You can also set up a facebook page to post reminders to and get people chatting generally. For more info on how to do this, have a read of this tutorial we made a little while ago 🙂

the AYB team