Yearbook ideas

Amazing alphabets

22 September 2016


In 2016, I noticed many of you using text boxes to create form intro pages but limitations on font size were restricting the possibilities. Without further ado, lets kick start the new yearbook season with some shiny new goodies to address this!


You may have spotted a new selection of PNG images available in your graphics and clipart area which can be found when you click onto the Pics icon on the left of your screen. This year we’ve added a new label to this area for alphabets to help you make dynamic title pages and loads more. Handpicked by our designer, these new PNGs can be built seamlessly into your designs for professional and artistic results 🙂 Hooray! You can make them as large as you need, rotate them and layer them with other components on your page. I’ll be making some example pages using these fab new additions shortly so be sure to follow our Pinterest and Facebook feeds for these!

the AYB team