Individual payments now live!
6 October 2016
You might have spotted our recent twitter announcement about the launch of individual payments this week so I was keen to share a bit more info about this brand new feature and how to use it In previous years, collecting payments in for the yearbooks fell to the editing team or the finance team at school but the launch of this new feature will allow for members to pay directly to the project- no more chasing people around school! So how does it work I hear you ask?
To set up your own storefront, click onto invoices and payments in the set up menu of your book. Make sure you add your billing address if you haven’t done this already and then click the ‘find out more’ link shown above.
This will take you through to a screen like this one where you can set your selling price and add other details. Here you’ll be shown how much your book price is currently based on your estimates and you have the option to set your own price in the first box. If you are planning to use the project to fundraise for the school, you can set a higher price (or perhaps you might want to round up to the nearest pound for ease for example). If your PTA team are subsidising the cost of the books, you could set a lower price for members as the remaining balance would be covered by the PTA.
In the next box, you need to let us know who the payments are being collected for. If you are handling finances personally, you can add your own name here or if you’re doing this on behalf of the school finance team, add this instead If there is a shortfall between member payments received and the total cost of the books you are ordering, this contact will need to organise payment of the difference. Similarly if you’re fundraising via your yearbook, we’ll contact the nominated person here to organise a refund of any funds raised.
The final box on this screen is there so you can add extra info for members. You might like to add the date your finished books will be ready for collection or contact details for the editing team should members have any other questions!
Once you’ve set up your storefront, a link will go live which you can share with members and parents. You’ll notice your storefront is populated with the fields you set up earlier Members/ parents can then enter their name, who they are buying their book for (student name) and select how many books they wish to purchase using the dropdown.
If you have any questions at all about this new feature, why not check out the full step by step tutorial on our support site or get in touch with your coordinator!